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The Reward of True Zeal
While it was spiritual sense that enabled the patriarch Abraham to perceive that three individuals approaching his tent were holy messengers from God, it was true zeal that caused him to run to them, feed them, and do them honor. We are told in the eighteenth chapter of Genesis that his zeal was rewarded, not only by the prophecy of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah but by the promise of a son; and he learned of his divine mission to found a great nation, in whom "all the nations of the earth" should be blessed.
Throughout the Bible, zeal, like a beautiful golden thread, weaves its luster through the lives of loved characters. In the New Testament we read that Zacchaeus, a little man who was eager to see Jesus in the crowd, as the Master passed by on the way to Jerusalem, climbed a tree to get a better view. (See Luke 19:1–9.) His zeal was rewarded by his having the Master as a guest in his house. Zacchaeus, it was proved, was not such a little man after all.
Part of the definition of "zeal" given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, reads, "The reflected animation of Life, Truth, and Love" (p. 599). This animation and its reward received the benediction of Christ Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. "Blessed are they," he said, "which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). The hungering and thirsting for true zeal are vital and moving. Reflecting God, Life, zeal cannot be passive. It will not let spiritual opportunities pass by. True zeal forever has its eye on spiritual goals and moves toward them. Our Leader writes (Science and Health, p. 514): "Mind's infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness."
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January 15, 1966 issue
View Issue-
The Reward of True Zeal
"Growth in grace"
Our World
Frances L. Hargreaves
The Coincidence of Man with God
"Honesty is spiritual power"
The Lion Shall Lie Down with the Lamb
God's Law of Infinity
Helen Wood Bauman
Why Gamble?
Carl J. Welz
It is more than thirty years since...
Wilfred Charles Ivory
For years I was under medical...
Lillian M. Washburn
I am truly grateful to have...
Roselyn A. Hunt
"Hast thou a friend, and forgettest...
H. Maurice Tedder
For many years I had experienced...
Elta F. Grabill
I wish to express my sincere...
Blanche Brown
For all the benefits and inspiration...
Edith Van Dermark
My heart is so full of gratitude...
Irene Ruth Koenig
Signs of the Times
David A. Redding