"Hast thou a friend, and forgettest...

"Hast thou a friend, and forgettest to be grateful?" This question on page 339 of "Miscellaneous Writings" by our beloved Leader is a reminder of an invitation extended to me by a friend many years ago to attend a Christian Science church service. Thus was manifested God's gracious care of one who needed to be lifted above the depressing experiences of worldly thinking and living to a recognition that the "kingdom of God is at hand" (Mark 1:15), as Christ Jesus affirmed.

Just as a few rays of sunshine breaking through the clouds brighten one's day, so a glimpse of the ever-present Christ, Truth, awakened me to the spiritual fact that "the loveliness of Love is all around" (Hymn No. 64, Christian Science Hymnal).

The unfolding years have brought many and varied problems, but they have been faced confidently in the assurance that they could be solved through an understanding of the truth of God and man as revealed in Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
For many years I had experienced...
January 15, 1966

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