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The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115:
The Christian Science Journal: Monthly in English; $6.00 a year, $3.00 six months, 60c a copy.
Christian Science Sentinel: Weekly in English; $6.00 a year, $3.00 six months, 15c a copy.
The Herald of Christian Science: Editions published monthly: French, German, $4.00 a year, 40c a copy. Editions published quarterly; Danish, Dutch, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, 50c a year, 15c a copy. English-Braille, Grade Two, published quarterly, $1.00 a year, 25c a copy.
Christian Science Quarterly: Quarterly in English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian. Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish; $1.75 a year 45c a copy. English edition is also available in Small pocket size, $1.75 a year, 45c a copy; Readers' size, $2.00 a year, 50c a copy; in English-Braille, Grade Two. $2.50 a year (12 issues), 25c a copy.
The Christian Science Monitor: Daily, except Sundays and holidays, in English (with religious article usually in one or two of seventeen different translations); $24.0 a year, $12.00 six months, 10c a copy.
*For subscribers in Asia: the Indonesian prices in Rupiahs will be quoted by local Reading Rooms in accord with official exchange rates. The Japanese price is ¥20 per copy or ¥70 per year.
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October 10, 1964 issue
View Issue-
Footsteps Toward Perfection
Man Coexistent and Coeternal with God
"A full salvation"
"Men of activity"
The Christian Scientist in Business
"Shut the lions' mouths"
Quelling the Mob Spirit
Helen Wood Bauman
Mind Governs Every Action of the Body
Ralph E. Wagers
A short time ago I was reminded...
Adelene M. Catalano
Even before the First World War,...
Willy Fuls
I have many reasons to be...
Patricia Larkins
I had accepted Christian Science...
Blanche Lillian O'Hara
I first became acquainted with...
Virginia C. Quallich
Christ Jesus said (Matt. 28:20),...
Ellen Ytreberg
In 1952 my first testimony was...
Emma Louise Zacher
Signs of the Times
Ernest Gordon