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The Christian Science Textbook
"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy is doing immeasurable good to the human race. Its effectiveness comes from the fact that its author was chosen of God to present Christian Science to the world. Anyone who studies this textbook in search of truth will find it. This truth heals disease, restores to purposeful vitality and to wholesome productivity lives lost in aimless uselessness. It overcomes sin. It defeats death. This book is worth possessing and worth sharing.
The message of Science and Health is a limitless message. It cannot be understood in an intellectual sense only. On page 520, our Leader writes: "Unfathomable Mind is expressed. The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough! Human language can repeat only an infinitesimal part of what exists."
The textbook is a divine revelation. Through studying it we may view "the depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love." But if we persistently cling to the intellectually limited sense—the materially-minded sense—we may be sure we shall never see beyond the finite, intellectual earth.
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February 23, 1963 issue
View Issue-
Unimpaired Life
Overcoming Lack
The Fulfillment of Good in Our Lives
The Self-destruction of Evil
Principle's Law of Eternal Harmony
The Christian Science Textbook
Carl J. Welz
The Value of Spiritual Prophecy
Ralph E. Wagers
Christian Science was presented...
Nena G. Reid
I have always been grateful to...
Thomas H. Wilson
The life of Mrs. Eddy, the...
Elizabeth Bawden Buell
I am thirteen years old, and I...
Karen L. Williams
For several years I have worked...
David Haydn Jenkins
I feel that the purpose of this...
Helen M. Miles
In the first chapter of Genesis we...
Lola Taylor
I should like to express gratitude...
Dorothy J. Whitbeck
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roy D. Brokenshire