[Original in German]

With a heart filled with gratitude...

With a heart filled with gratitude I should like to relate a healing through Christian Science which took place many years ago.

For a whole year I was confined to bed in a hospital suffering from a badly diseased spinal cord. Every three weeks surgical treatment was necessary. I was eventually discharged from the hospital as incurable. At home I was in bed another six months, my distress becoming very great and my condition more and more unbearable.

Then my neighbor's brother came to visit her. He was a Christian Scientist. My neighbor told him about me and my suffering. He assured me that "with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26). I was given some copies of The Herald of Christian Science (German Edition), and as I read them my hope was restored.

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Testimony of Healing
During the Christmas holidays...
November 17, 1962

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