Divine Mind
is constantly affirming that man is wholly good, that he dwells in a God-created and God-sustained universe, and that his entire experience is characterized by an abundance of good.
Christian Science
turns one away from the traditional theological belief that man is a mortal, dependent upon himself for life and health, to the truth that man is spiritual emanation, dependent upon God, his source, for all things.
A high school
senior who was carrying a heavy scholastic program and taking active part in extracurricular activities was anxious to attain college entrance grades.
Christian Science Activities for the Armed Services, which include arrangements for regular Christian Science services, treatment, and other assistance for men and women in the Armed Forces, extend throughout the United States, Canada, and many overseas areas.
Speaker: In these times when workers or their families may be concerned with on-the-job safety and health measures, many are proving that an understanding of God's all-power successfully meets the challenge of occupational hazards to health and well-being.
Although frequent meetings of church members may not be desirable, there are times when an inspirational meeting can do much to awaken the members to their obligations and to opportunities "to find strength in union.
My heart overflows with humble gratitude to God for our dear Master, Christ Jesus, and for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, as well as for the many blessings I have received through the regenerating ministry of Christian Science.
Christian Science came into my life when I suggested to the young woman whom I was planning to marry and who has since become my wife that I investigate her religion in the hope that I could accept it as my own.
I am very grateful that the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, instituted the Wednesday testimony meetings, for it was at the first of these which I attended that I felt a strong desire to read the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," of which Mrs.
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