ancient times it has been a practice to post a lookout or watcher at strategic points on land and sea to give warning of enemy forces or of other dangers.
Because "The Mother Church Fund for Armed Services Activities and Postwar Emergencies" is now being drawn on exclusively to meet the needs of Christian Scientists in the aimed services, the name has been changed to "Fund for Armed Services Activities.
Contributions are most gratefully accepted by The Mother Church Treasurer from members and friends for the following funds:Promotion and Extension FundTelevision and Radio FundGeneral FundRelief Fund (For General Relief Purposes)Fund for Armed Services ActivitiesCharitable Institutions Fund(The Christian Science Pleasant View HomeChristian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, MassachusettsChristian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast)
As a young mother I turned to Christian Science after pediatricians and skin specialists were unable to cure a skin condition that interfered with my baby's happy development.
I have many times been deeply grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for her wisdom in providing for the inclusion of testimonies of healing in the Christian Science periodicals.
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