he watched an audience leaving a hall after a Christian Science lecture, a bystander was struck with the serenity and joy which he saw reflected in the faces of many of the people.
Christian Scientist finds that the experience of attending college affords many opportunities to prove God's allness and to demonstrate man's endless capabilities as the child of the infinite, all-knowing Mind.
O God
, I thank Thee for the glowing warmthOf Thy dear love that gently opens wideThe petals of my life to fuller bloom:My heart, a chalice to receive, enfoldsAnd at a prompting touch from Thee pours forthThy joy, Thy loving-kindness, and Thy peace.
allegory which illustrates the justice of God's law in contradistinction to the injustice of mortal belief is found at the close of the chapter entitled "Christian Science Practice" in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
Qualified Christian Scientists who intend to choose Christian Science nursing as a career may be considered for admission to the course at either Benevolent Association Sanatorium.
Progress for the individual Christian Scientist and his local branch Church of Christ, Scientist, is inseparable from fulfillment of his duty to all mankind, speakers at this meeting emphasized.
Every member of The Mother Church or one of its branches may hear the inspiring message of the Tuesday Evening Meeting which took place in the Extension of The Mother Church on June 7.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
For thirty years I have received blessings from the application of Christian Science, and now I feel that it is time to tell of some of the experiences I have had.
While taking a course of study in London, England, and just before a companion and I were to make a bicycle trip through several European countries, I suffered a severe disorder of the circulatory system.
I have received many blessings through the study and application of the truths of Christian Science, and it is with this thought in mind that I should like to share some of my experiences with others who may be seeking a better understanding of God's love and protection.
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