any dwelling place be more secure and worthy of achievement than "the secret place of the most High," as promised in that assuring ninety-first Psalm of David?
her discovery of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy proved that the Christ, the power which evidences the presence of God, is always at hand to meet every discordant condition of human existence.
serpentine form is the Scriptural symbol of evil, a symbol which runs through the Bible from the first whisper of error in the third chapter of Genesis to the final destruction of the dragon in Revelation.
More than forty years ago Christian Science was presented to me by a dear neighbor after I had expressed my opinion that I could no longer believe in a God who allowed our loved ones to be sick and die because He wanted them to come to Him.
Margaret E. Richter
with contributions from Alvin A. Richter
The testimonies appearing in our periodicals have been of great help and inspiration to me many times, and it is with gratitude that I submit this testimony.
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