the twenty-fourth chapter of the Gospel of Luke is recorded a phenomenal experience which has been a source of inspiration to many Bible students throughout the years.
the whole, humanity is more interested today than ever before in restoring, establishing, and safeguarding harmonious relationships between nations and individuals.
the highway of our GodThe way of holiness is marked:To Life, it is to live each step;To Love, to love with every breath;To Mind, to know Mind's pure ideas;To Soul, to feel all harmony;To Spirit, to be open toA quickened thought; to Principle,In strict obedience to act;To Truth, to choose the good and true.
are told in the fourth chapter of Luke's Gospel that at the beginning of his ministry Christ Jesus returned to the scene of his childhood home and, "as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
are told in the first chapter of Genesis in the true spiritual record of creation that "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Christian Scientists
often find refuge from seeming human struggles in the declaration, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all"—words taken from "the scientific statement of being," that great epitome of Christian Science written by Mary Baker Eddy and found on <a class="tome-reference"
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight to eleven weeks.
I experienced an instantaneous healing of pulmonary tuberculosis in Christian Science after all efforts of medical science had failed and after my mother and two sisters had passed on from this disease.
Per Capita Tax,
as provided in the Church Manual, Article VIII, Section 13, is due annually from "every member of The Mother Church" and "shall be forwarded each year to the Church Treasurer.
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