Christ Jesus said to his disciples (Mark 14:38), "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." What is it that we must watch for and pray to be delivered from? May it not be the temptation to become absorbed in material selfhood, to be so immersed in the so-called life of matter that we accept it as real and no longer hunger and thirst for the things of Spirit? In such a case our eyes are so blinded by dense materiality that we no longer see the kingdom of heaven at hand; and our ears are so deafened by the clamor of the world that we no longer hear the angel messages which God, divine Mind, is forever imparting to the receptive heart.

These divine messages are perfect spiritual intuitions; thoughts of joy and harmony, of health and holiness; constructive, active thoughts; thoughts of abundance and satisfaction, of purity and peace. When these messages are entertained steadfastly in consciousness they transform our human lives, giving us nobler aims, unselfish ambitions, and a calm sense of fulfillment and completeness.

In order that we may not be robbed of the prayerful consciousness which recognizes man's spiritual and eternal individuality as the reflection of God, we need to watch our thoughts. We need to be alert and vigilant and continually examine the nature of our thinking. We are thinking of something all the time. It is useful frequently to ask ourselves: "What am I thinking? Am I entertaining positive, God-derived, spiritual intuitions, or am I allowing the negative thinking of mortal mind apparently to rob me of my joy?"

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May 23, 1953

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