All through the sacred pages of the Bible there are accounts of how those who trusted in God and listened for His voice were miraculously guided, and saved from situations that might otherwise have led to disaster. The human family has always turned intuitively to God for help when confronted with perilous circumstances.

The Psalmist, referring to the protecting and all-embracing love of God, declared (Ps. 32:7), "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." Often the love of God was made manifest in an angel message revealing at just the right time the essential guidance and inspiration to meet the immediate need. Hagar heard the angel of God when her son was about to die of thirst, and she immediately saw a well of water which saved him.

God-derived wisdom directed Moses to know just what to do when the children of Israel were in serious danger, and their obedience brought them through their Red Sea experience unharmed. Like Daniel, the three Hebrews were protected by the God of love, in whom they trusted implicitly. The divine influence was seen in Peter's experience when an angel appeared to him in the prison and led him to freedom. To these holy men God was not a faraway, abstract God, but a living, ever-present, all-powerful divine Principle revealing itself to spiritually enlightened consciousness as equal to every exigency. Their understanding of and obedience to divine law brought them so near to God that they communed with Him naturally.

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May 16, 1953

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