in many phases of activity in their individual careers teaches men that success is due in greater measure to good qualities of character than to human ability.
the fourth chapter of Luke's Gospel it is related that on a certain occasion the Jews laid hands on Jesus to cast him down over the brow of the hill whereon their city was built.
election of officers in branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, provides a valuable opportunity for obeying the By-Law found in <a class="tome-reference"
For some time I have had the desire to express through the Christian Science periodicals my sincere gratitude to God for the good that has come to me through the study and application of the truths taught in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
In deep gratitude for Christian Science I should like to tell how the application of this truth has brought a genuine sense of joy, satisfaction, and peace into my life.
Of many events I gratefully remember, none is more indelibly impressed on my mind than one in which my mother appeared at the door of my sickroom, in which I had spent many hours of suffering, and said to me, "Son, will you try Christian Science?
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