Divine Love, which operates...

Divine Love, which operates naturally to meet our daily needs, has blessed me in many ways. Words cannot express the deep appreciation I feel for the joy that this beautiful truth brings forth each day.

The textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was a gift to me twenty years ago, and since that time Christian Science has been my only physician. During the first year I experienced the healing of a torn ligament at the end of my spine, which forced me as a professional dancer to cancel a contract because I could not walk. Through study of the textbook I was completely healed within a few weeks. Colds and sprains were also healed.

Over three years ago, through the help of a practitioner, I was instantaneously healed of the smoking habit; a desire for social drinking disappeared along with two painful warts, one on the bottom of each foot. For these healings I am most grateful to God.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my great gratitude...
March 4, 1950

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