a joyful occasion it is when a ship enters its home port and comes to land! Passengers are welcomed ashore, and the officers and crew of the boat, having accomplished their duties, return to their homes and dear ones.
consonance with the period's growing demand that the world's people draw closer together, the United Nations and statesmen from many countries are working to establish a sound base for peace.
the beginning of recorded history there has been a conflict between the traditions of the past and the new ideas which are continually unfolding through heavenly inspiration.
writer's invitation to accompany her to a Christian Science lecture was accepted by a friend who had for several years been considered incurably ill.
is light in the world today, inextinguishable light, to which men may look for guidance out of the falsities, the dark dreaming of mortality, into the full radiance of spiritual reality and immortal Truth.
The Normal class in the Board of Education, which is held triennially in accordance with the provision in Article XXVI, Section 4, of the Church Manual, held its sessions early in December, 1946.
While engaged in public school teaching some time ago, ignorant of Christian Science and its healing truths, I made the statement that it was permissible for an adult to choose the healing method he wished for himself, but certainly no sensible person would consider Christian Science treatment to be wise or adequate to meet the needs of a sick, defenseless child.
The privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School was mine from the time I was six years old, but my attendance was not very regular until I reached my teens.
no reversal cause dismay,For Truth and Love are here todayAll doubt and dread dispelling;And thought emerges into light,Beholding many mansions brightWithin our Father's dwelling.
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