all these years of conflict, during which most people have been working harder than they have ever done before, and under more difficult conditions, many more difficult conditions, many a man and woman may be tempted to exclaim, "I'm so tired," and by that very confession add to the burden of weariness.
out into the deep," was Christ Jesus' command to Peter at the very moment when human reasoning loudly proclaimed that it was useless to strive further to fill his nets.
whistle sounded gay and clear, first from the attic and then from the basement, making up in volume what it may have lacked in accuracy, for Don was a very happy boy.
In preparing for a Christian Science lecture, thoughtful consideration should be given to providing adequate facilities to accommodate all who are likely to attend.
At hundreds of training stations and in some theaters of operation, the Christian Science Wartime Minister, the Christian Science Officiating Minister, or the volunteer Christian Science Wartime Worker has become a familiar figure as friend, counselor, and practitioner to men and women in the service.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight or ten weeks before.
The Sunday school meeting held under the auspices of The Mother Church on June 7, 1944, consisted of questions and answers by a chairman and eight experienced Sunday school teachers seated about the chairman.
The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was given to me at a time of great need, and my study of it met that need.
Katherine Gibbs Wright
with contributions from Harry F. Wright
From childhood I suffered from intense nervous headaches and stomach trouble, which caused me to eat only certain kinds of food at times, and then to suffer from what I had eaten.
To testify to healing in Christian Science, is not only publicly to declare gratitude for the blessings one has received, but it is also to obey, at least in a degree, Jesus' command.
Although I have always thought that I had a great deal to be thankful for, recently I realized there is much more, including membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and the healing of what appeared to be a very painful internal growth.
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