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Thirty years ago I was the victim...
Thirty years ago I was the victim of ptomaine poisoning. At the time I was living in Missoula, Montana. I had seven doctors, and not one of them could help me. The last doctor told me that my stomach was severely ulcerated, and that he could do nothing for me. He told me that if I ate sparingly of food that best agreed with me I probably would overcome the trouble. After the doctor had gone my wife and I decided to sell our home and go to California. At that time my only brother and his two sons were living there. My thought was that I wanted to be buried in California.
When we arrived in Los Angeles, my youngest nephew, who had become interested in Christian Science, seeing my condition, said to me, "Uncle, if you will go with me to a Christian Science practitioner, you will be healed." I asked if I would be given medicine. He replied, "No, indeed not." I then consented to go, for I had made up my mind not to take any more medicine. The next Saturday my nephew took my family and me to a practitioner. After I had told her my troubles, my wife asked her if she thought I could be healed, and she said that I most assuredly could. My wife then told her that I used tobacco to excess, and asked if I could be healed of that. The practitioner said I could, and then handed me a little book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, saying, "You will find something interesting in that." I opened the book to the first page (Pref., p vii) and this is what I found: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." That is as far as I got. I continued to go over that during the time she was treating me, and it was during this first treatment that I was completely healed of the desire for tobacco.
My wife asked what I should eat. The practitioner answered that I could eat anything I wanted. The next day, being Sunday, my nephew and his wife took us to the first Christian Science service that we had ever attended. We were invited to his home to dinner and he gave me a large serving of steak, potatoes, and gravy. I said, "No, thank you; I wouldn't dare eat that." He reminded me that the practitioner had said I could eat anything I wanted. I certainly was hungry, so I ate all the steak and some of the other food. After dinner I lay down on the davenport. That was about one o'clock, and I didn't wake up until ten o'clock at night. It was the first good sleep I had had for more than a month.
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November 4, 1944 issue
View Issue-
The Christian's God and Universe
Voting Is a Christian Duty
From Perfection to Perfection
God, Not Men, Governs Every Man
Prayer Instead of Fear
Call to Duty
Seeing Man as He Is
The Mother Church Wartime Fund
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Now is come salvation"
Margaret Morrison
The Ninth Commandment
Paul Stark Seeley
The very kindly intentioned reference...
William D. Kilpatrick
The Secret Place
I write this testimony to express...
Florence Lowenadler
Father-Mother God, I thank...
Alice M. Flieger
Having had the privilege of...
J. Ross Davis
I am grateful to know that there...
Florence Cates
For a long time I have felt the...
Margaret M. Moore
I should like to express gratitude...
Ruth Sherman
Thirty years ago I was the victim...
Thomas J. Heady
This testimony is given in...
Evelyn Nichols
Go Forward
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert Power, Hugh Clark Stuntz, Henry A. Wallace, Walton E. Cole, Ruth Swander, A. C. Decker, J. W. Jenkinson