understand that the true individuality of everyone is the beloved son of God, as the Bible teaches and Christian Science inculcates, frees one from the desire to dominate others and also from domination by others.
without respite,Child of the day,Life has no momentsTo squander away;Hearts are still hungry,Eyes are still blind,Feet are still tryingThe straight path to find.
, considered from the absolute spiritual standpoint, is perfect, harmonious, and entirely good; but mortal mind suggests to us under various guises a different type of man.
generous and steadily increasing contributions of branch churches, societies, and individual Christian Scientists are enabling The Mother Church to maintain and increase its wartime activities.
The pamphlet containing the sermon by Mary Baker Eddy entitled "The People's Idea of God: Its Effect on Health and Christianity" has been reissued in pocket size, 4⅜x6⅜ inches, corresponding to that in which the pamphlet "Christian Healing" by Mrs.
Applications for membership in The Mother Church are acted upon by The Christian Science Board of Directors, twice each year, as provided for by the Manual of The Mother Church.
Having had the privilege of being reared in a Christian Science home, where the omnipotence of divine Principle was applied to every evidence of error, I can gratefully testify to the healing and uplifting efficacy of Christian Science.
I am grateful to know that there is a religion which is finding its place in thousands of homes, displacing fear, unhappy conditions, and discouragement, and giving promises of a brighter future.
For a long time I have felt the desire to express through our periodicals some measure of my deep gratitude for Christian Science which, when first glimpsed, revealed to me a new and previously unknown existence.
I should like to express gratitude through The Christian Science Journal or the Sentinel for the many benefits we received from the study and application of Christian Science during the year we lived in a small town where there was no Christian Science church.
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