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Expecting Harmony
Harmony is the desired goal toward which men are groping, yet all too often without genuine expectancy. Frequently the adult has received inspiration and courage from the expectation expressed by a child. A mother had begun the study of Christian Science and had for a short time been attending the Wednesday evening testimony meetings. She found the testimonies given there very encouraging, and upon her return home would rehearse many of them to her little son, who became very much interested in listening to her accounts. The child had been under the care of an eye specialist, who told the mother that the boy would eventually lose his eyesight, but that the constant wearing of glasses would be helpful in prolonging his vision.
Realizing the benefit that the Wednesday evening meetings had been to her, the mother decided to send her children to the Christian Science Sunday School. She told her little son that this would help to bring about his healing of the need of wearing glasses. The third Sunday the child started to Sunday school without his glasses. His mother told him that he had better wear them, reminding him of the doctor's orders. To this the child replied, "If God can heal me, He can do it now." The glasses were never worn again, and a complete healing was experienced that day. This child expected harmony and demonstrated harmony in the instantaneous healing. This demonstration showed a childlike faith in God, which is necessary for each one; but the student of Christian Science soon learns that in order to obtain and retain a true sense of harmony one must have an understanding of God's law, as mentioned many times in the Bible and taught in Christian Science.
The student, then, may profit by asking himself frequently: "Do I expect harmony? Do I believe that God is the only power? Or do I secretly feel that there is an evil influence dominating my affairs, an influence which might at any moment reduce me to a hopeless condition?" These questions should arouse the thinker to be sure that he understands the reason for the faith which is in him. With this understanding, when error confronts him he will have no difficulty in seeing it as nothingness and dismissing it.
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February 13, 1943 issue
View Issue-
Occupation and Occupancy
Expecting Harmony
Being of True Usefulness
Substituting Truth for Criticism
"Wherefore criest thou unto me?"
"With authority and power"
Infinite Protection
The Indispensable
Evelyn F. Heywood
Grass in Place of Dragons
Paul Stark Seeley
Introductions to Lectures
with contributions from John Melvin Ackerman
Radio Program
Rolland Klump
With heartfelt gratitude I wish...
Josephine Campbell
I was about nineteen when I...
Katharine W. Fannon
It is with a deep sense of love...
John R. Rutherford
I give this testimony to express...
Lily Parks
I am very grateful for Christian Science...
Edith Courtney
It is with a deep sense of gratitude...
Alida Curtiss
"It is a good thing to give thanks...
Theresa Hanson Higgins
Many years ago, standing on the...
Wilberforce W. Higgins
Signs of the Times
with contributions from pastors of Trenton, James M. Buxton, Samuel A. Wright, C. R. McBride, A Correspondent