framers of the Atlantic Charter, as it has come to be known, struck a responsive note of hope in the peoples of the world, for few, if any, have escaped the denial of one or more of its four freedoms—freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.
world crisis of today is imposing a greater measure of self-discipline on individuals and nations than ever before in the history of civilization, and yet the two greatest leaders the world has ever known, Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, voluntarily and consistently expressed natural simplicity and self-immolation.
A Young
aviation cadet in the service of his country found that his time was so much occupied with flight training that there was little opportunity for the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon or for meditation and prayer.
this issue of the Christian Science Sentinel may be found an article about an extraordinary book—a book the earnest reading whereof has stilled pain, wiped out the foundations of disease, and brought to countless thousands great peace of mind.
I give this testimony with the sincere hope that anyone who is suffering from the same malady that once afflicted me will receive new courage and health from the assurance that it can be healed.
Christian Science has been my only physician throughout my life and has brought me out of a frail childhood, full of fears and doubts of my ability, into an active, busy life.
With a great desire to thank God for His goodness, and to set forth my appreciation of the wonderful work done by a faithful practitioner, I herewith relate the healing of my little nephew through Christian Science.
My desire in writing this testimony to the healing power and efficacy of Christian Science in healing all conditions is especially to help mothers whose sons and daughters are serving their country today.
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