beginner in Christian Science often has some wonderful experience for which to be grateful, such as a physical healing or release from sin, as a result of his first turning to Christian Science.
one begins to investigate the facts regarding his origin, the purpose of his existence, and his immortality, he naturally turns to the Bible for enlightenment.
Percival V. Parsons, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
In a recent issue a correspondent under the heading of "Faith Healing" makes a statement concerning Christian Science which is incorrect and therefore misleading to your readers, and I ask space for this letter of correction.
Mrs. Edith M. Pickthall, Committee on Publication for Carnarvonshire, Wales,
Referring to the criticism by "Churchman" of the teaching of Christian Science in regard to Christ Jesus, I would point out that Jesus never claimed to be God.
, blest are they who trust in GodThroughout the long dark night;Who feel the morning of His love,E'er they behold its light!And blest are they who wake with Him,And find their faith renewed;Who quench their thirst at living springsLove points along the road;Who do not doubt God's promisesMade new from day to day,But take sweet comfort to their hearts—Oh, calm and blest are they!They wait in quietness and peaceTill God reveals His plan,And strive with patient faith and hopeTo see the perfect man.
One of the instructions for Sunday school teaching given by our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in the Manual of The Mother Church, and referring to the work which shall follow the "first lessons" in the Sunday school, reads.
account of the healing of the nobleman's son, in the fourth chapter of John, touches on a point of much interest and importance in the practice of Christian Science.
The passing of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 by the United States Congress will induct into service many young men interested in Christian Science.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, six or eight weeks before.
When expressing gratitude for my wonderful healing in Christian Science, my first thought is to sing praises to God for having given us Christ Jesus; for having inspired Mary Baker Eddy to discover Christian Science; and also for having given us faithful, loyal practitioners, such as the one who so lovingly and patiently helped me to understand the truth while it was healing me.
Many years ago I wrote a testimony, stating that two week's study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, had completely healed me of semi-invalidism, due to heart disease.
The healing power and protecting care available through the application of Christian Science, as revealed by Mary Baker Eddy, have been our support now for many years.
I am grateful to know through the teachings of Christian Science that God is ever present, always ready to comfort and heal the griefs, wounds, and difficulties of humanity.
My mother started studying Christian Science in 1914, and at her insistence I took our son, a child of about two and a half years, to a Christian Science practitioner.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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