I am sincerely grateful for Christian Science

I am sincerely grateful for Christian Science. I have had wonderful proofs of its divine power to heal. For thirty years I used tobacco. I was ashamed of it, but could not give it up until about six years ago, when I was healed in Christian Science. I have no desire to use tobacco. For this I am truly grateful.

About three years ago I slipped, fell on the ice, and broke my right wrist. I called a practitioner for help, but because the hand was badly twisted I went to a bone specialist and had the bone set. The specialist told me that I should have to be patient, for it would be a long time before I could use that arm again, but I dressed myself and used my right hand to tie my shoes the second day after the arm was broken. There was no swelling after the second day, and in three weeks an X ray showed that the bones had knit properly. I am profoundly grateful, and I humbly pray that I may become worthy of the name "Christian Scientist."

William Claude Hannah, Utica, New York.

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Testimony of Healing
It was with joyous expectancy and a grateful heart that...
May 20, 1939

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