before sunset, one evening, the writer drove with friends for an hour or more over a stretch of country where, for many miles, there was little variation in the elevation of the land.
the world one of the questions upper-most in the thought of peoples and governments is how to better conditions affecting the prosperity, happiness, health, and well-being of men.
forget: behind the mist of seeming,The Sun of righteousness, in this, God's hour,In settled and irrevocable power,On all is streaming;Cleansing the heart, enlightening the eyes,Revealing man, compassionate and wise—Though carnal thought nor reason has, nor ruth,Yet God is Truth!
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
In a recent letter to your paper a clergyman took exception to certain statements which appeared in the report of a Christian Science lecture in the Times-Journal.
Albert E. Lombard, former Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Your desire to avoid religious controversy is commendable, but exception must be taken to various statements in an article in a recent issue, for these statements do not correctly present the teachings of Christian Science.
Christian Science meetings were first held by Oxford undergraduates in 1920 in a private house, under the auspices of a kind and interested member of the branch church in the town.
The Lesson-Sermon excerpts from the Christian Science Quarterly have continued in all the papers which have published them in previous years, and one other paper, The Lynn Advertiser, has begun to insert them about once every three weeks.
From time to time there have appeared books written by and published for individuals, some of whom are members of The Mother Church, in the belief that the notes made during their study and practice of the teachings of Christian Science will be of particular benefit to others.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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