The Changeless Friend

"Thy Maker is thy changeless friend,
His love surrounds thee still."

Among a Christian Scientist's cherished memories are her childhood visits to the plantation home of a distant relative. At evening, when darkness intensified the sense of separation from home and parents, the little visitor would implore her hostess to read a stanza including the above lines which hung on the guest-chamber wall. When the child grew into womanhood and the shifting scenes of earth severed many happy relationships, there came an insatiable desire to know something of the "changeless friend" beyond that pleasing childish fancy. In fulfillment of this desire, Christian Science, as revealed to the world by Mary Baker Eddy, came into her life, declaring divine Mind, Spirit, Love, the infinite God, who knows naught of materiality or evil, to be the changeless Friend of man.

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The New Wine
July 11, 1936

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