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[Original testimony in German]
Although it is not long since I first had the joy of...
Although it is not long since I first had the joy of knowing Christian Science, I should like to speak to all who are despairing and discouraged, and promise them encouragement, for I feel so happy and changed.
I came to Christian Science through a relative who had been healed and also delivered from unhappiness. I had been ill for five months; everything conceivable had been done for me, but nothing helped. Two days previous to the time when this relative took me to a Christian Science practitioner, the doctor had pronounced a severe verdict: I must either go at once to a sanatorium for lung trouble or undergo a cure of tuberculin injections for two or three months. I was in despair. I was afraid of becoming still more infected at a sanatorium, and toward the dreadful injection I felt a great aversion. Thus, when my relative called on me, she found me in tears, beset with fear, and completely discouraged. I had not been able to sleep a single night for five months. It was in this sad plight that I went to the practitioner, entirely apathetic and without really knowing at all what was at stake. But as soon as this lady, inspired with true faith, had addressed her first words to me, I became attentive, and it was as though my heart was touched by something scarcely foreseen yet long desired. Suddenly, I know not how, I gained release and the light of hope again shone. I was as a child again, a true child who knew that she had a Father taking care of her. After many years of severe struggle in which I had borne up quite bravely, after anxieties and successes, after restlessness, trouble, and sickness, I at last breathed God's air, so to speak, and was at peace.
As far as the purely practical aspect was concerned, the practitioner merely advised me to give up my continual fear and to obtain a postponement of the injection cure. I had gained so much strength from this short conversation that I actually found courage to ask the doctor for a week's delay.
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June 29, 1935 issue
View Issue-
"The guest of God"
Overcoming by Yielding to Truth
Service in the Sunday School
Waiting on God
"Giving thanks"
My Father's Business
In your issue of August 28 there appeared an article...
Leicester Lemont Jackson, former Committee on Publication for Alabama,
In your issue of November 16, which has just come to...
Mrs. Edith M. Ross, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
In a recent letter on the subject of "Humanism" a correspondent...
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
As your correspondent "Spectator" in a recent issue, under...
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
Gladness and Gratitude
Duncan Sinclair
Safe Transportation
George Shaw Cook
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Lectureship
The Lectures
with contributions from Lucia C. Coulson, Harold R. Random, Jacob Gottlieb, Frank Melling, Mabel Daniel Walker, Rex J. Harrison, Harry C. Browne
Since I became a student of Christian Science many...
Helen B. Gould
With heartfelt thanks I wish to express my gratitude for...
Annie Williams
About ten years ago I was healed of chronic gonorrhea,...
Dicran Azadian
With joyous thanksgiving I send this testimony of God's...
Vera R. Wetherell
Because my heart is so full of gratitude to our dear...
Florence E. Cornell
In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany"...
Marcel G. Silver
Although it is not long since I first had the joy of...
Anni Erhart-Fein
The Great Exemplar
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. V. Tinnin, A. J. Edmonds, Ambrose Fleming