teachers and officers of Christian Science Sunday Schools can joyfully and prayerfully say concerning their service, in these words from our Leader's hymn
Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has helpfully given us a recipe for bringing into our daily tasks the kingdom of heaven, transforming that which seems drab and uneventful by the inspiration of spiritual ideas.
every student of Christian Science, when endeavoring to solve some problem of healing, has said or thought, I am sure I shall be better tomorrow.
of good cheer; the warfare with one's self is grand; it gives one plenty of employment, and the divine Principle worketh with you,—and obedience crowns persistent effort with everlasting victory".
of the depths have I cried unto Thee,And Thou, in Thy compassion, Lord, hast heard;Through darkest clouds of earth's inharmonyThere shines the presence of Thy saving word.
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for Ontario, Canada,
In a recent letter on the subject of "Humanism" a correspondent expressed certain incorrect opinions about Christian Science, and associated that religion with other teachings with which it has nothing in common.
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
As your correspondent "Spectator" in a recent issue, under the heading of "Divine Healing," correctly implies, the ministry of healing did not cease with the apostles, and it may interest some of your readers to learn that the immortal words of Christ Jesus, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," are indeed applicable to all ages and to all people and are being applied in our time, the world over, by Christian Scientists, who can testify that the healing Christ is present today to cast out evils just as surely as in the time those words were spoken.
During the year there has been an increase in the number of small groups in distant towns meeting to hold Christian Science services, and experience has proved beyond question that "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them," for healing has radiated from these services.
For many years it has been my privilege to read the beautiful testimonies of healing as recorded in The Christian Science Journal and the Sentinel, and in later years in The Mother Church I have listened to expressions of gratitude from Christian Scientists from all over the world.
Although it is not long since I first had the joy of knowing Christian Science, I should like to speak to all who are despairing and discouraged, and promise them encouragement, for I feel so happy and changed.
you but know the deep sublimityOf deathless hope amid the multitudeOf frenzied fears; the cloistered quietudeOf confidence like his who calmed the sea,Who shared the loaves and fish at Galilee,And bore with sanguine heart and fortitudeThe jeers of men, and then in solitudeThe bitter cup of drear Gethsemane—How fruitful life! How full each halcyon day,Did you but know the comfort and the cheerOf walking with the gentle Nazarene—Of breasting grief and woe along the wayAs free from hopelessness and dreadful fearAs he who walked to Golgotha serene!
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