through almost two thousand years of human experience a marvel of a prayer has come—a prayer uttered by a then little known young man of Judea to whom a small group of followers had said, "Teach us to pray.
the beginning of human history, divine Love has revealed itself to the spiritually-minded, and through their purified thought has met the human need.
addition to the daily study of the Lesson-Sermons, given in the Christian Science Quarterly, students may find much help in the use of the Concordances to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other works by Mrs.
view of the widespread belief of lack and limitation, students of Christian Science, whether or not they are personally faced with business problems, are awakening to study still more deeply the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and to strive still better to live the precepts clearly set forth by her.
often in the student's progress in Christian Science, in the midst of turmoil, comes the need for proving the truth as did the Master when he stilled the storm: "And there was a great calm"! How often from the sick, the sinning, the heart-weary, or the unemployed comes the pitiful human cry which preceded that great calm, "Lord, save us: we perish"!
of the enslaving beliefs of the human mind is the temptation to feel that circumstances are greater than we are; that they can master us and affect us injuriously, and that, therefore, we can legitimately place the blame for our failures on situations outside ourselves.
God of love, I am Thy child;Thus perfect, pure, and undefiled,Expressing Love in all I do,An image of the good and true;Oh, teach Thy little one to seeThat happiness is serving Thee.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In your issue of August 2, an article mentioned a certain Californian and cited various misleading statements derogatory to Christian Science and Christian Scientists that were set forth in a book of which he is the author.
C. Shelton Agar, Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
It is evident from the subsequent letters appearing in your newspaper that "Seeker after Truth" and "Veritas" are making use of your columns only to show their disappoval of Christian Science.
I know
I cannot go beyond God's presence and His care,Although upon uncharted seas I drift to isles afar;My course I cannot lose, though storms arise, nor dawn is there,For God doth guide—and God is ever where His children are.
Goliath challenged the armies of Israel, he regarded himself as exceedingly formidable on account of his massive stature, encased in armor for protection.
Elvena Gates
with contributions from Alva Francis Gates
When Christian Science was presented to me by a friend in a request to attend a Christian Science lecture, I was in a pitiful condition physically, having been told that I should have to undergo an operation for a severe case of appendicitis, but that on account of my weakened condition the outcome was doubtful.
For several years I searched many books, including those on theosophy and astronomy, for an understanding of a higher power which I thought must be at the back of all, but I became only more perplexed.
Six years ago, when I was given up by doctors, my family was told by the doctor who operated on me that there was no help for me but in Christian Science.
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