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"Unbroken friendship"
On page 80 of "Retrospection and Introspection" Mrs. Eddy writes, "There are no greater miracles known to earth than perfection and an unbroken friendship." It is not difficult to see that, viewed from the mortal sense of things, perfection is indeed a great miracle, but it is striking and thought-provoking to notice that our beloved Leader classes unbroken friendship with perfection. It is natural that those who are likeminded should feel a strong sense of friendship for each other, but until humanity bases its understanding and practice of friendship upon an accurate view of God as the eternal Friend of man, and upon the reflected love of each for his neighbor, friendship appears subject to much discord. In order to be maintained in human experience it must rest upon a secure foundation.
In Christ Jesus we have the greatest exemplification of friendship the world has ever seen. He so thoroughly understood his own spiritual completeness in the God-created universe that, oblivious of human self, he reflected true friendship to his fellow men, even to yielding up all sense of man as mortal. In our own day Mary Baker Eddy, that faithful follower of the Master, clearly discerned the divine Principle, Love, as the creator of man and the universe, and maintained an attitude of unbroken friendship toward all mankind in the face of stupendous oppostion and ridicule. Out of the fruits of her own experience, glowing with the riches of Love's abundance, she gave continually, thereby helping to offset the world's mental barrenness.
The greatest pitfall to friendship is the getting rather than the giving attitude, the thought of what another owes one, rather than one's own debt of gratitude to God for His supreme gift of friendship to His ideas. Frienship is not merely a getting together of individuals; it is the attraction and association of spiritual qualities. In order, then, to be a true friend, one must reflect Godlike qualities, prominent among which are purity and constancy, "both of which are immortal," as Mrs. Eddy tells us on page 60 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Purity neither looks for evil nor sees it; and constancy remains faithful in expressing love, no matter what conditions appear to be present to material sense.
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March 16, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Putting First Things First
"Unbroken friendship"
Benefits of Working Rightly
Erasing the Error
Let Me Awake
Your issue of Thursday last contains an account of what...
Leslie Burn Andreae, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
In your issue of August 27 a minister of the gospel is...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
I shall be glad if you will allow me a little space to remark...
Mrs. Isabel Hillier, former Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
Turn Thou to God
"The warfare with one's self"
Duncan Sinclair
Public Enemies
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science has brought into our home much harmony...
Warwick Albert Dicker
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for a healing I...
Anna Bernice Barton
For a long time I have intended to give my testimony,...
Freda Fish Beck with contributions from James Howard Beck
Until I was nearly ten years old I was always ailing,...
Doreen Thwaites
Unlike the majority, I was not in need of physical healing...
Harriet L. Barnes
I am unable to express in words my gratitude for a healing...
Adeline Wilson Hambly
Having been a student of Christian Science for more...
Myrtle Mae Dittrick with contributions from Alonzo Alva Dittrick, Jr.
The past sixteen years have been the happiest ones of...
Carrye L. Swanson
Behold, I Stand at the Door
Signs of the Times
with contributions from William T. Ellis, Bruce Brown