Christian Science was presented to me in 1918, at a time...

Christian Science was presented to me in 1918, at a time when I did not know where to turn. My husband was sick and was pronounced incurable by the doctors, who I am sure did all in their power to help him. Our business was in very bad shape, and we finally lost it, also some property. I was in a terrible condition myself, having a serious heart trouble of thirty-eight years' standing, which had made it necessary to leave our home for lower altitude. I was better for a while, and then the trouble came back worse than ever and developed into leakage of the heart. Several doctors told me that I could never be cured, and that I must be very careful not to exert myself or to become excited. I was sick both physically and mentally. Then a friend sent me a copy of Science and Health and told me that if I would read it, I might find something to help my husband. I began my reading, wondering what it would do. At first I read only at night, after the family had retired, and then I would hide the book until the next night. This went on for about three weeks, when suddenly it dawned on me that I had not had one spell with heart, and and had even forgotten to take the medicine that I thought I could not do without. This was over fifteen years ago, and the trouble has never returned; I have enjoyed good health and have been stronger than I had ever been. A year later, I was permanently healed of double hernia, which I had had since I was eighteen months old, and for which I had worn a truss for forty-four years.

These healings came through my reading Science and Health. Words cannot express my gratitude for Christian Science, for I have learned to know God and man's relation to Him. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church, also a branch church, and that I am privileged to take part in the activities of our church and Sunday school. I am indeed grateful to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for having given us this glorious truth.

(Mrs.) Emma S. Maaz, Waco, Texas.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for a healing I...
March 16, 1935

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