we progress in the study and application of Christian Science, the necessity for putting out of our consciousness all past errors, of whatever nature, becomes evident.
is no burdenLove cannot bear,There is no sorrowLove will not share;There is no darkness,No doubt or despair,No height nor depth,But Love is there.
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
A correspondent, in his reply to my letter in your previous issue, says that Christian Science, instead of being based on the Bible, contradicts it in teaching and belief.
phenomena of matter and of physical embodiment are due to ignorance of God, Spirit, and from this ignorance spring all the discords relating to human experience.
Churches and societies will please note particularly the changes made in the following notice, in regard to the time when lecture notices should reach this department.
I am deeply grateful for Christian Science, which found me in a very serious predicament resulting from an automobile accident, and with serious charges against me.
My study of Christian Science began about twenty-two years ago, for no particular reason except that from time to time I had felt the beneficent rays of light shed from this study by two other members of my family.
During the more than twenty-five years in which I have studied Christian Science there have been healings of burns, scars, sprains, pneumonia, blood poisoning, loss of voice, constipation of many years' standing, defective vision, fainting, and fear of tuberculosis and Bright's disease after the passing on of two loved ones from these diseases.
My first healing in Christian Science occurred many years ago when I was suffering from an attack of acute rheumatism, which was so severe that I had to have assistance even to dress myself, and was unable to go to my work.
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