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"If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up."
"If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up." This fact was proved to me some eight years ago when existence seemed unbearable. I was brought up in Christian Science from the age of three, and had a very happy life up to the time I disobediently left home at an early age. The opposition to my religion was overwhelming, but pride kept me from returning home; and it appeared easier to go along mortal mind's way, until I was forced through unhappiness to take my stand for Truth. During these years I did some studying, but none to speak of. However, the seed of Truth had been planted, and thoughts of Truth were constantly with me. These thoughts, I am convinced, saved me from destruction in an automobile accident which cut my face and scalp, and almost tore one arm from the body, breaking the arm between the shoulder and elbow, and crushing the bones between the elbow and wrist. I was unconscious for nearly twenty-four hours. It was feared that I should not again have the use of my hand and fingers, and I was expected to be in a plaster cast a good deal longer than I was. The crushed bones, which were to be wired as a possible means of restoring the use of my hand and fingers, the X-ray pictures showed completely healed when I was removed from the cast. The doctor was surprised beyond words, and said that he had never known anything like it in his life. I have perfect control of my arm; and the two small scars are practically invisible. A relative had a Christian Science practitioner give me one treatment at the time the bones were set.
It was not long after this occurrence that I turned with my whole heart to Christian Science; but there was one bad habit—that of smoking cigarettes—which did not go, until one day a practitioner inquired what it was that seemed to cause the desire. I told her that it came when I wanted to think or contemplate. Whereupon she answered that Mind unfolds without cigarettes and that I could think without them. The desire for them left me then and there, and I have never had a return of it.
These healings prove what Truth is doing for the world, making us so grateful for this wonderful revelation as given to us by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
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July 23, 1932 issue
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"Feed my sheep"
Correct Thinking
Like Joshua and Caleb
"Dear reader"
Result of Rectification
Asking Life
In the Small Town
Cultivating Our Own Garden
"Why weepest thou?"
In your issue of today a doctor, speaking at the Colston...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
Like the newspapers and periodicals of our nation, the...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
The impressions of an author in his article entitled "Tests...
Arthur G. Lothgren, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
A statement in a communication in your issue of February...
Joseph G. Alden, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
One cannot but admire the spirit of tolerance displayed...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
Understanding and Inspiration
Duncan Sinclair
"Where is your faith?"
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Jennie O. Barguet, Helen M. Cruikshank, Jeanne Frazer Stevenson, Albert Joseph Bateman, Hattie F. Crouse, Harvey E. Volmar, F. Leslie Crawford, Ralph W. Everett, Mabel Ogden, J. H. Terrell
It is with profound gratitude that I testify to the healing...
Leonard G. Burns
In a recent lecture on Christian Science the thought of...
Laura Heads with contributions from Fred H. Heads
Christian Science has been a great help to me in many...
Joseph Lowens
I have been a student of Christian Science for twenty...
Marguerite Field Jones
God led us to Christian Science at a time of sore need
Ottilie Holäufer with contributions from Otto Holäufer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from G. Napier Smith