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[Original testimony in German]
In deepest gratitude I would exclaim with the Psalmist:...
In deepest gratitude I would exclaim with the Psalmist: "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." For years, because of bodily sufferings, such as chronic catarrh of the stomach and bowels and symptoms of colds, I had been under medical care; besides this, I had been operated on twice for trouble in the breast. Since there was no lasting improvement I lost faith in medicine and in the skill of the doctors. Because of the old belief that God sends sickness to try us, I had resigned myself to my fate.
Then, about eight years ago, I heard of Christian Science for the first time and decided to try it. While studying, I suddenly fell ill with internal pains, complicated with vomiting and fever. Because my slight understanding was not sufficient for healing, I asked a practitioner for help and was healed in two days. Since that time I have been physically well and have used no more medicine. I have devoted myself more diligently to the study of Christian Science, and through the spiritual understanding which I have gained all fear of disease and evil has left me.
For these experiences, but more especially for spiritual growth, I am inexpressibly grateful. I am truly thankful that I understand God better as infinite Love, whom Christian Science has revealed to me. Gratefully, in deep reverence, I think of our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has opened anew to us the way of Truth, and of our Way-shower, Christ Jesus. I can only strive, day by day, to live according to what I understand of Truth in order to be a good worker in God's vineyard. I give God honor!
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May 28, 1932 issue
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The Sunday School
A Strong Defense
Divine Glory
The Marginal Headings in Our Textbook
"The desert shall ... blossom as the rose"
Walking by Faith
Recreation—True and False
I am informed that a minister recently conducted a...
Roy E. Bignall, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
An item in your issue of September 18 gave misleading...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In explaining the nature of Christian Science in the issue...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
Your correspondent in his criticism of a recent Christian Science...
Albert W. LeMessurier, Committee on Publication for the Channel Islands,
Duncan Sinclair
The Law of Continuance
Violet Ker Seymer
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Minnie M. Hall, William F. Schlothan, Sarah Brunette Strassburger, Arthur D. Nicholson, Caroline B. Waters, Maud Bernazzi, William R. Edward
As a family of four we are indeed grateful for Christian Science...
Leon Oscar Anderson
In deepest gratitude I would exclaim with the Psalmist:...
Emilie Seifert
If Christian Science had never done anything for me...
Myrnell Godfrey Mondon
"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light...
Molly Alison McMackin
I am unceasingly grateful for the many blessings that...
Elsie L. Preston with contributions from Helen Bilhuber
When I was a young girl I was fond of the Russian...
Eugénie de Schneeuhr
It has been over three years since my healing in Christian Science
Ruth Painter with contributions from Jeremy Taylor
Signs of the Times
with contributions from David Lloyd George, Joseph H. Smith, L. D., Floyd W. Tomkins, Henry L. Stimson, F. J. Ashley