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A Strong Defense
In certain parts of the jungle it is necessary, in order to secure immunity from the marauding attacks of night-prowling animals, to keep a fire burning in each of the four corners of the compound. Neglect of this precaution means probable loss and destruction of property, and even, perhaps, of the human sense of life. How essential, then, that the watchman be alert and active in supplying the fuel to insure a strong defense!
May we not liken this experience of the jungle to the necessity of keeping the fires of love burning in order to guard our consciousness from the marauding attacks of error which claim an existence apart from and superior in power to God, good? Should we not all be watchmen, actively engaged during the night—those periods when doubt and fear, malice and envy, essay to rob us of our heritage of freedom—in keeping bright the protecting fires of wisdom, compassion, truth, and spiritual understanding?
It is of little avail to tend one or two fires well and to neglect the others. The destructive beliefs of mortal mind will attack the unguarded part, no matter how large the flares may be elsewhere. Incomplete protection shows a flaw in one's work, and may be likened to saying that God is omnipotent, while yet giving seeming power to error by admitting its reality in some form or other. Or perhaps we are saying that God is Love, and that man reflects divine Love in love; yet all the time we may be judging our brother by the testimony of the physical senses, which say he is sick, a sinner, a victim of financial difficulties or of hereditary conditions. This is direct evidence of neglect in feeding the fire of divine inspiration which enables one to see the perfect Christ-idea, immune from all evil. It is necessary to keep every aspect of our mentality, our consciousness, guarded, for in the measure that we utilize the protection of Truth we are exempt from error's attacks.
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May 28, 1932 issue
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The Sunday School
A Strong Defense
Divine Glory
The Marginal Headings in Our Textbook
"The desert shall ... blossom as the rose"
Walking by Faith
Recreation—True and False
I am informed that a minister recently conducted a...
Roy E. Bignall, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
An item in your issue of September 18 gave misleading...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In explaining the nature of Christian Science in the issue...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
Your correspondent in his criticism of a recent Christian Science...
Albert W. LeMessurier, Committee on Publication for the Channel Islands,
Duncan Sinclair
The Law of Continuance
Violet Ker Seymer
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Minnie M. Hall, William F. Schlothan, Sarah Brunette Strassburger, Arthur D. Nicholson, Caroline B. Waters, Maud Bernazzi, William R. Edward
As a family of four we are indeed grateful for Christian Science...
Leon Oscar Anderson
In deepest gratitude I would exclaim with the Psalmist:...
Emilie Seifert
If Christian Science had never done anything for me...
Myrnell Godfrey Mondon
"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light...
Molly Alison McMackin
I am unceasingly grateful for the many blessings that...
Elsie L. Preston with contributions from Helen Bilhuber
When I was a young girl I was fond of the Russian...
Eugénie de Schneeuhr
It has been over three years since my healing in Christian Science
Ruth Painter with contributions from Jeremy Taylor
Signs of the Times
with contributions from David Lloyd George, Joseph H. Smith, L. D., Floyd W. Tomkins, Henry L. Stimson, F. J. Ashley