has been called a virtue, but the alert Christian Scientist discriminates in his interpretation of the term, repudiating the sense of patience as leniency toward error in any form.
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In your issue of January 20, a lecture of a reverend gentleman is reported in such a way as to indicate that the speaker had said that the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on the subject of malicious animal magnetism are so closely allied to witchcraft as to give evidence that witchcraft may again be believed.
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
In a column in your issue of July 27 the view is expressed that it is unwise to consult healers who have not made a study of the human body and its functions.
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
If the correspondent who signs himself "Interested," and who claims to have read our literature "to some extent," will only extend his reading so far as to embrace the chapter entitled "Christian Science versus Spiritualism" in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, he will find all his questions answered, and be fully convinced that the belief that Christian Science has anything in common with spiritualism is based on a misunderstanding of the teachings of Christian Science.
rich men threw in their coins that dayWith scarce a thought, and went their way;But the widow paused, methinks, to prayAs she cast in all her living.
the early history of Christian Science, almost everybody who became interested in this subject had regarded both God and man as like a human person.
a world where suffering sometimes appears to be much in evidence the questions are often asked, Can it be God's will that men should have to endure the pangs of disease or the ravages of sin?
an applicant for membership in The Mother Church sends his application to the Clerk for presentation to the Board of Directors, who, according to the Church Manual, elect eligible candidates to membership twice annually,—in May or June and in November.
As this Sentinel goes to press, The Christian Science Board of Directors is sending to the branch churches a letter in relation to the building of the new Publishing House.
In 1925 one of my brothers, who had been greatly helped by Christian Science, spoke to me of this teaching, which immediately appeared to me as being very logical.
Mary Isabelle Young
with contributions from Vera M. Young
For over five years I have been a regular reader of The Christian Science Journal and Christian Science Sentinel, and for over four years have studied "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
thou but learn to wait,How great will beThe harvest gathered through thy work!Thine eyes shall seeLife's joys anewAs Mind thy fear abates;Then shalt thou learn to live!
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