whose way had been beset by many human difficulties, in spite of earnest efforts to follow after righteousness, said in a despairing moment to a Christian Science friend: "Just when I think I am gaining a knowledge of Truth, something seems to happen to bowl me over.
to the tenth chapter of John's Gospel, Jesus, illustrating the necessity for loyalty to his teachings, declared, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
in a Christian Science Sunday School who was looking forward to a school examination with a sense of apprehension and fear was reminded by the teacher that, since God is infinite Mind, all wisdom, intelligence, understanding—was that was necessary for his passing of this examination—was already supplied; that the intelligence, he needed to solve every problem was already his by reflection; that no aggressive suggestion of fear could separate him from the Mind which is God.
one of his parables Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a grain of mustard seed, "which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown,.
have surely all played keeping shop and weighing things in a pair of scales, and we know that when we put something into one scale and nothing into the other, the full scale goes down and causes the empty one to go up.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
An item in last Thursday's issue, which commented on Christian Science, calls for an explanation or correction; and I should appreciate an opportunity to say something to your readers along this line.
Christian Science the clearest possible distinction is drawn between the real man, that is, the man of God's creating, and a mortal, the so-called man who appears to exist in matter or the flesh.
to the generally accepted notion that men are physical beings, living in and dependent upon matter, mankind has associated both health and disease with what it terms material conditions.
A fifteen-minute electrical transcription program consisting of questions and answers on Christian Science was radiocast on Sunday, September 25, from Stations WFBR of Baltimore, Maryland, and WJAY of Cleveland, Ohio.
Announcement is made by the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy of the publication of a translation into Norwegian of the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation, given by Mrs.
At a time when everything seemed very dark to me some fellow passengers on the train which was bringing my family and me back from California, where we had unsuccessfully sought health and happiness, earnestly assured us that Christian Science was our only hope.
I am sending this testimony as an expression of gratitude to God for having led me to know Christian Science and thereby giving me a slight understanding of His perfect law.
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