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Man's Security
THE fact that God exists unchangeably is the basis of man's security. The usual viewpoint, outside of Christian Science, regards man as an entity separate from God, endowed with voluntary power of choice between good and evil. From this false basis, which results in misfortune and suffering, it is sometimes assumed that God created man subject to every whim of evil, and then left him to shift for himself. Such beliefs have limited men and bound them with apparently unbreakable shackles. But this bondage is rapidly dissipating as men become acquainted with the teachings of Christian Science and learn that their fetters of bondage to circumstance and environment, as well as to sin, sorrow, and sickness, have been forged only by erroneous belief and its consequent fear.
From eternity God has existed; and throughout all eternity He must continue to exist, else He could not reasonably be called God. He is all-powerful, always and everywhere present, and all-inclusive, else He could not justly be called the Supreme Being, the Father of all.
These healing truths the master Christian, Jesus the Christ, taught as he sojourned among men; and he also stressed his declaration of the nature of God as good. Unfortunately for the world, the Master's precepts were understood by only a relatively small number of those who heard him, and within three centuries after the completion of his mission upon earth much of the practical import of his teaching was lost. But no good can ever be permanently lost, and after many centuries there appeared in our beloved land of religious freedom a woman so spiritually-minded and living so close to God that she was finally able to glean from the Scriptures the real, live, practical import of the Master's teachings. Mrs. Eddy was not satisfied with having discovered the Science of being, thereby accomplishing her own physical healing. Accordingly, she spent years in additional consecrated study of the Scriptures, finally giving to the world this divine Science, this explanation of the nature and operation of God's infinite law, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which Christian Scientists the world over regard as their textbook in the study of Christian Science.
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September 19, 1931 issue
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Business and Employment
Knowing Ourselves
Man's Security
Alfred Leeper Wiles
"There is nothing that is divided"
Letticia Parker Williams
"Dematerialized and unfinited"
Putting on Christ
The Greatness of Small Things
Mabel Reed Hyzer
In your recent issue there appeared an article on faith...
Arthur Brearly, Committee on Publication for Canton and Hongkong, China,
A clergyman, in a sermon recently appearing in your...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In reply to the letter published in your issue of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
A Morning Blessing
Healing a Primary Requirement
Duncan Sinclair
The Effect of Knowing God
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from George A. Schuessler, Katherine F. Stoddard, Frances MacFarlane, Forrest Benjamin Lund, Mary W. Houston
It was twelve years ago that I first heard of Christian Science
Maria Hansen with contributions from Peter I. Hansen
Christian Science was brought to my attention many...
Mary Lea Weer
When my attention was first called to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
M. Alida Franklin
My mother became interested in Christian Science when...
Hiram K. Gibbs
I first became interested in Christian Science in 1916
Margaret O. Townsend
Over twenty years ago I was instantaneously healed of...
Harriett I. Toms
Fourteen years ago I attended my first service in a...
Ruth E. Boyer
After some years of physical misery and moments of...
Jessie Mae Berridge with contributions from Ruth Berridge
I wish to express gratitude for the many healings which I...
Herbert E. Marshall
Signs of the Times
with contributions from H. M. Beck, Warren S. Archibald, A correspondent