A news item from London appearing in your paper on...


A news item from London appearing in your paper on January 22 referred to Christian Science as "fantastic," while in another part of the article that religion was conceded to be "the greatest means of faith healing." The well-intentioned thought in this latter comment is appreciated, but to avoid any misapprehension by your readers as to the teaching found in Mrs. Eddy's writings, I respectfully ask that space in your columns be granted for a brief statement concerning both references.

Solutions properly worked out by a student of arithmetic are never considered to be "fantastic," the result of fancy, imagination, or belief, but are accepted as evidence of correct arithmetical knowledge. In other words, they are acknowledged to be the result of the proper application of the rules of the science of numbers. For the same reason, but on a higher plane of thought, the demonstrations of Christian Science should be understood as the result of the correct understanding of the Science of Christianity, which is based on the understanding of the divine Principle, God, "with whom," as the Scriptures declare, "is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." Thus, the exactness of Christian Science clearly separates it from any association with mere belief, imagination, or the "fantastic," and proves it to be a positive religion both in faith and practice.

As to the term "faith healing," which in the same article was applied to Christian Science, I should like to point out that in its ordinary use this expression either implies reliance on a blind belief that God will supply the needed help, or else associates faith in material means with faith in God. However, the faith through which Christian Science healing is accomplished is unmixed with any belief that matter can assist Spirit, God, who heals all our diseases, because "you weaken or destroy your power when you resort to any except spiritual means," as Mrs. Eddy says on page 181 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The faith held by Christian Scientists is an understanding that "with God all things are possible," and that He alone bestows all good on mankind.

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