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Among the Churches
Current Notes
Albuquerque, New Mexico (First Church).—First Church of Christ, Scientist, has purchased the Baptist church property at the northeast corner of Lead Avenue and Broadway. The church will not begin holding services in the newly acquired property at once, some remodeling first being necessary.—Albuquerque Journal.
Pacific Grove, California (First Church).—Dedication services of First Church of Christ, Scientist, have now been held. The church, a semicolonial style of building, is of pink stucco with ivory trimmings, and is surrounded by a spacious, well-kept garden consisting of lawn, trees, shrubs, and flowers. The interior consists of an auditorium with a seating capacity of about one hundred and seventyfive, the walls and woodwork of which are a rich ivory tint; the carpet and seats of olive green. It is used for both Sunday school and church services. There is also a large Reading Room with an entrance from Central Avenue, providing a place for reading and quiet study for those desiring it, and where all Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased.—High Tide.
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February 21, 1931 issue
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Honoring God
"One thing thou lackest"
A Mighty Army
"The fear of the Lord"
Faithfulness in Little Things
The Kingdom First
The report of the sermon by a clergyman at the Brick...
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
As reported in your issues of a fortnight ago, a bishop,...
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
With regard to the article appearing in your issue of December 19...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
A certain religious writer attempted to record a brief...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
Basis for Friendly Interest
Clifford P. Smith
Violet Ker Seymer
The Golden Rule
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from William George Whymark, Alberta Gill Robinson, Maud I. Haselden
My earliest impression of Christian Science was that it...
Francine Millier
About seven years ago I was greatly impressed by the...
Edward J. Waterhouse
It was not for physical healing that I came into Christian Science
Calphurnia L. Fairchild
I wish to express my gratitude for many blessings which...
Dora Mae Norton
Christian Science was first introduced into my father's...
Arthur L. Worthen
With a heart full of love and gratitude I give this testimony
Caroline K. Denke
Shortly after I began the study of Christian Science I...
Sophie Laura Hamerton
Stilling the Storm
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ross C. Miller, Arthur H. Goodenough, Homer Kidder Pitman, Z. Mather