"Peace, be still"

Enfolded like a jewel in the hills,
The deep blue lake of Galilee lay still,
One beauty with the skies, reflecting them.
A happy breeze that danced among the flowers
Woke diamonds on its surface. All the air
Was sweet with scent of flowers and songs of birds.

So that when sunset lit the blossoming lake
To glory of the rose, we led him there.
For all the dusty day, by road and field,
By town or village, had the people pressed
To hear the word he spake to heal their sick,
Or but to touch his garment as he passed.

So through the lilies, gloriously arrayed
And breathing peace and purity, he came
To where his friends, the sons of Zebedee,
Had moored their ship.

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Different Points of View
December 26, 1931

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