Absolute and Demonstrable

Two of the reasons why Christian Science is Science are that it is absolute and it is demonstrable. These are also two of the reasons why this Science is of the utmost practical value. Indeed, they are the main reasons why Christian Science is Science, and why it is of the utmost value to mankind. One can say, further, that Christian Science is demonstrable because it is absolute; that is, because it distinguishes absolutely between what is good and real and what is not good or real.

For the reasons just stated, all who are interested in Christian Science ought to distinguish between absolute and relative statements in Mrs. Eddy's writings. An absolute statement declares the absolute truth of real being; it expresses an absolute fact of spiritual existence. A relative statement admits or assumes the seeming existence of what is unreal. Occasionally, but not usually, Mrs. Eddy introduces an absolute statement with such words as "in reality" or "in Science." All who are interested in Christian Science ought also to comprehend and use such words as "demonstrate" and "demonstration" according to their appropriate meanings. To "demonstrate," in the general meaning of this word, is "to establish the truth of; prove" (New Century Dictionary). A Christian Science demonstration, therefore, is a particular proof that this Science is true.

"Divine Science is absolute, and permits no half-way position in learning its Principle and rule—establishing it by demonstration." These words by Mrs. Eddy, from page 274 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," not only illustrate her use of the words "absolute" and "demonstration," but they also constitute one of her most definitive and distinctive statements.

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Loyalty to Truth
December 5, 1931

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