Over fourteen years ago, while I was under the care of a...

Over fourteen years ago, while I was under the care of a physician for a physical ailment for which no cure was offered except a surgical operation, a very dear friend sent me a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel. At first I was so despondent I cast it aside, refusing even to look at it. But a short time later, on reading an account of a sermon delivered by the pastor of the church to which I then belonged, in which he criticized the teachings of Christian Science, I decided to read the literature that had been sent me to see for myself just what it was. I do not remember anything I read in that Sentinel but the testimonies of healing, and as healing was what I was seeking most at that time, they appealed to me greatly. This thought came to me: If this teaching can heal others of physical ills, it can heal me. I immediately made inquiries as to just what method I would need to adopt in order to get this healing. I was directed to a Christian Science practitioner, and in one week's treatment was healed of the physical ailment and of despondency. In the years that have gone by since that first healing there have been many and varied problems to meet and solve, but not once, when the truth has been rightly applied, has it failed to meet my every need.

I have been healed of many ills of the flesh, of a quick temper, of grief, and of financial difficulties. The blessings in our home brought about through the realization of God as ever present and omnipotent, have been many. And I am indeed grateful to-day to the kind friend who was about the Father's business and, seeing my need, sent me God's messenger, which has meant everything in life to me. There are still many errors of sinful sense to be overcome, but I am striving more earnestly each day to live my gratitude to God, knowing that in this way only can we overcome all error.—(Mrs.) Eleanor J. Casady, Rushville, Indiana.

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Testimony of Healing
I was a very small girl when my mother was healed...
August 31, 1929

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