is the reason, one may ask, that the children of Israel were led from Egypt to Canaan by such a roundabout course when there lay to the northeast a more direct way?
earnest and sincere student desires above all else to progress in his understanding of Christian Science and in his ability to apply its truths in everyday living.
individual who has become interested in Christian Science finds himself passing through certain phases of progress that, more or less, are experienced by all of his fellow seekers for Truth.
David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, is not a Bible, but, as the title indicates, a "key" to the understanding of the Bible.
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
At the Spen Valley Congregational Council, reported in your recent issue, taking as his subject, "Christianity and some of its modern rivals," the special speaker, referring to "the powers which oppose Christianity," said, "The number of anti-Christs were many.
day the wintry sky was overcast;Thick piles of purple-slaty clouds lay massedAgainst the darkened western ridge of hill,So somber hued, monotonous, and still.
that Isaiah, the ancient seer, son of Amoz, was imbued with an extraordinary sense of God's presence, and of His guidance and support of all willing to be divinely led, breathes through the pages of the marvelous chapters of the Bible bearing his name.
has usually been thought of as relating solely to one's actions, and not primarily to one's innermost thinking as required by Christian Science.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
Because I have received so much benefit from reading the testimonies in the Journal and the Sentinel I offer my testimony in the hope that others may be helped by it.
As I have tried to summarize my debt to divine Love, the thought has kept coming to me, with an insistence that will not allow me to delay another day, that one tithe which I have not yet brought into the storehouse is a written testimony; and while the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science have accumulated until they could not be told in one testimony, I desire at least to make a beginning.
A. Gretta E. Boulter
with contributions from Harry Ward Boulter
Over thirty years ago my mother had a felon which developed into blood poisoning, her arm being swollen to her shoulder, discolored, and intensely painful.
A period of nearly nine years having elapsed since Christian Science found me, I feel that I should like to express my gratitude for what this wonderful truth has done for me.
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