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"Pure humanity, friendship, home"
In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 100) Mrs. Eddy writes: "Pure humanity, friendship, home, the interchange of love, bring to earth a foretaste of heaven. They unite terrestrial and celestial joys, and crown them with blessings infinite." Through the inspired teaching of our beloved Leader we find that one of the first proofs of our sincerity in the study and practice of Christian Science is our attitude toward our fellow-man.
"Humanity" has been defined as "the kindly feelings and dispositions of man toward his fellow-man." In the transition from the unreal to the real, indicated by Mrs. Eddy on page 115 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the first of the moral qualities mentioned is "humanity." If we entertain kindly feelings and a kindly disposition toward everyone, we are showing forth a pure humanity. At times this may seem to be a difficult task. One may say that some person is most unkind and badly disposed toward him. This, however, should be regarded as an opportunity to test our application of Christian Science.
Christian Science plainly teaches that evil is unreal; that it is merely a false belief, and must be dealt with as such. Our first effort, then, should be to separate error from our sense of man, by knowing that every individual idea is the reflection of good, the expression of Life, Truth, and Love; and that since God, good, is the only power, the seeming error which confronts us has no power at all. Following this trend of thought, we can safely leave the outcome of every problem to divine Mind, knowing that in that Mind all is harmonious. The result must surely be made manifest in a more harmonious sense of existence.
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January 14, 1928 issue
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"Fear not, Daniel"
Our "Daily Prayer"
Gentleness and Tenderness
"Pure humanity, friendship, home"
Overcoming Self
In a recent issue you publish a letter from a correspondent...
C. Everard Widdowson, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
Recently a book entitled "The Truth About Christian Science"...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
A recent issue of your paper reports an address by a doctor...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In a recent issue of the Herald was a report of a kindly...
George C. Palmer, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Psychology promotes the exercise of the human mind, or...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
A correspondent in your recent issue wishes to know...
Miss Esther Murray, Committee on Publication for Natal, Union of South Africa,
With God's Help, or Without?
Albert F. Gilmore
No Curse on Man
Duncan Sinclair
The Removal of Stumblingblocks
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Ruth M. Linney, Eila O. Detwiler, Edna Mae Peckinpaugh
When I was about sixteen years old, it was the opinion of...
Marion Stewart Kelly
In November of 1905 a storm broke over Lake Superior...
Stella J. Denton
We read in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Lillian F. Bargelt
I took up the study of Christian Science to help my...
Nan L. Wickson
Christian Science came into my life at a time of darkness...
Harriet Marcosson
Out of deep gratitude to God for all that Christian Science...
Ida M. Heber Percy
Over fifteen years ago Christian Science was brought to...
Albert Whiting Wasey
Knowing from experience how eagerly a beginner in...
Marion Mackrille with contributions from Alfred Mackrille
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing...
Elizabeth McClenny
The Burning Bush
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Kenneth C. M. Sills, John F. Dunstan, Benjamin Goodfield