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In November of 1905 a storm broke over Lake Superior...
In November of 1905 a storm broke over Lake Superior, doing a great deal of damage all along the north shore; and at the town where I lived its big waves swept into the lower part of the town, causing the people to use boats for rescue work. I had just begun to read Christian Science literature, but did not have even the books. I did have the desire, however, to know something about the truth, in order to apply it to the situation when I heard of the destruction the big waves were causing.
Three years later, in November, a storm broke which seemed as bad the first day as the other had been the third day. At this time I was living in one of the houses fixed up after the other storm. It was the second house from the lake, and stood about sixty feet from the shore. My son came in, saying the family next door had left, as the waves were as high as the roof and the water was coming up around our house; but I had no thought of leaving. I got my Bible and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and went upstairs. There seemed to be much fear among the people, for they were passing the house constantly with lanterns, watching the water. At first I noticed its roar, but as I studied and quieted my own fear of danger, I realized at about eleven o'clock at night that it had become quiet and the people were not passing very often. By midnight the water was back in its channel, and the next day it was almost normal. People who had lived there for years said they had never known a storm like that to quite down under three or four days. The two Biblical statements, "Peace, be still," and, "Histherto shalt thou come, but no further," kept coming to me throughout my study. I felt so grateful for this proof of God's care.
I have seen many proofs of God's gracious care in the overcoming of storms, fires, and other untoward conditions. God, the Father, knows not destruction or any overwhelming condition. After reading of the destruction caused by the flood in the Mississippi valley, I felt that it was my duty to tell of the wonderful help we had received through Christian Science when there were only four or five of us who knew the truth, and we were all students of less than three years. We just had the books and the authorized Christian Science literature, no church or practitioner to turn to. The words of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, as found in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 149) have always been very helpful to me.
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January 14, 1928 issue
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"Fear not, Daniel"
Our "Daily Prayer"
Gentleness and Tenderness
"Pure humanity, friendship, home"
Overcoming Self
In a recent issue you publish a letter from a correspondent...
C. Everard Widdowson, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
Recently a book entitled "The Truth About Christian Science"...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
A recent issue of your paper reports an address by a doctor...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In a recent issue of the Herald was a report of a kindly...
George C. Palmer, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Psychology promotes the exercise of the human mind, or...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
A correspondent in your recent issue wishes to know...
Miss Esther Murray, Committee on Publication for Natal, Union of South Africa,
With God's Help, or Without?
Albert F. Gilmore
No Curse on Man
Duncan Sinclair
The Removal of Stumblingblocks
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Ruth M. Linney, Eila O. Detwiler, Edna Mae Peckinpaugh
When I was about sixteen years old, it was the opinion of...
Marion Stewart Kelly
In November of 1905 a storm broke over Lake Superior...
Stella J. Denton
We read in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Lillian F. Bargelt
I took up the study of Christian Science to help my...
Nan L. Wickson
Christian Science came into my life at a time of darkness...
Harriet Marcosson
Out of deep gratitude to God for all that Christian Science...
Ida M. Heber Percy
Over fifteen years ago Christian Science was brought to...
Albert Whiting Wasey
Knowing from experience how eagerly a beginner in...
Marion Mackrille with contributions from Alfred Mackrille
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing...
Elizabeth McClenny
The Burning Bush
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Kenneth C. M. Sills, John F. Dunstan, Benjamin Goodfield