I have found so much help and encouragement from the...

I have found so much help and encouragement from the testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel that I wish to express gratitude for the many benefits received since I first heard of Christian Science and began its study more than twenty years ago.

The habit of making quick, and often unkind, criticisms and very sharp retorts has to a great extent been overcome. Great sensitiveness, fear, depression, and self-pity, almost chronic tiredness, neuralgia, constantly recurring colds, chilblains in such an acute form that I was in the greatest misery and nervousness every winter, suffering from them for months on end—all these have been destroyed in Christian Science.

Before Christian Science came into my life I never seemed able to fulfill any engagement, and this made me always dread to undertake any work or fill any position. A great sense of disappointment and lack of trust in myself, the feeling of being a failure, was ever uppermost. It took years of study in Christian Science before this difficulty was overcome. The sense of freedom and the knowledge gained in Christian Science that, as Mrs. Eddy tells us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 385), "Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself," have given me great cause for gratitude. Only those who have suffered from the lie of self-depreciation can know what a wonderful sense of joy and freedom is gained through right thinking after seeming constantly to fail. It is indeed "Immanuel, or 'God with us,'—a divine influence ever present" (ibid., Pref., p. xi) to help and encourage even the weakest.

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December 31, 1927

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