[Written for the Sentinel]

Love's Omnipresence

There is nor time nor place where Love is not.
Unchanged for aye this simple, mighty truth,
In spite of evil's boasting, vaunting claim
To realness, and to presence, and to power.
For God is Love, and God is All-in-all,
And from Love's presence naught but good can come;
While man, the child of Love, can ne'er receive
Aught but the good that comes to him from God.

Oh, Love's immensity does fill all space!
Then wherefore stand dismayed at evil's claims,
Be they of lack, of sickness, sin, or death?
Whatever guise assumed, they are but lies;
And, seen as lies, must surely fade away
Into the nothingness from whence they came.
Since everything God made was "very good,"
Then what Love did not make can ne'er be true.

Yes, Love's immensity does fill all space!
This sweet assurance casts out every fear;
While consciousness uplifted, purified,
Receives from Love divine that perfect peace
The world can neither give nor take away.

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