In an article entitled, "Everyday Questions," in a recent...

News Tribune

In an article entitled, "Everyday Questions," in a recent issue of the Duluth News Tribune, a clergyman intimates that Christian Scientists endeavor to "suppress unfriendly criticism," and he adds that "all who claim to have the truth should be willing to let the light play on it." Christian Scientists are indeed willing "to let the light play" on their religious faith; they ask only that it be "light," rather than incorrect and misleading statements. Judged by that test there is much in the gentleman's contribution needing correction.

The inquiry, to which our critic's article purports to be in answer, affords him but a bad start; for in a backhanded way it speaks in terms of disrespect of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, of whom the late Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, said in 1908, "Mrs. Eddy should have the respect, admiration, and love of the whole nation, for she is its greatest woman," and further, that she regarded Mrs. Eddy as "the one person, regardless of sex, living to-day, who has done the greatest good for her fellow-creatures." Mrs. Eddy lived to be eightynine years of age.

Christian Science teaches that God is the only creator; that He and His spiritual creation are all; and that He, being good, could create nothing which is not good, nothing unlike Himself. "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." It will scarcely be disputed that disease is not good; it could not, therefore, have been created by God; and so is not real, but exists only in belief. If disease were real it could not be destroyed. Like the dream of the sleeper which ends with his awakening, it yields to the understanding of the truth. One who believes in the reality of matter need only inquire of the advanced physicist in any of our leading universities or colleges, to be told that matter is not what it seems to the physical senses to be. As the clergyman states, Christian Science teaches "that matter does not exist." God, being Spirit, Mind, there is nothing out of which matter could be created. It seems to exist only in belief.

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"What manner of love"!
January 8, 1927

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