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Articles and Testimonies
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors. They should be typewritten (double spaced) or written legibly, on one side of the paper only; and the addresses given should be complete; also the source of all quotations should be given. Women should use the title "Miss" or "Mrs.," and married women should sign their own names in full, instead of the names of their husbands.
Testimonies should be verified by three members of The Mother Church, and in the case of a member or an attendant of a branch church one of the verifiers should be the clerk or some other officer of that church, who has either witnessed the healing or can vouch for the integrity of the testifier. In the verification of testimonies by a church officer, the title of the office should be given. An affidavit made before a Notary Public is acceptable, if the testifier does not know three members of The Mother Church.
Manuscripts for publication in the Journal and Sentinel, whether articles, poems, or testimonies, and correspondence relating thereto, should not be addressed to individuals, but to the Editorial Department, The Christian Science Publishing Society, Back Bay Station, Boston, Massachusetts.
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July 17, 1926 issue
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Rise Up Quickly
Glorifying God
Minding Our Business
Perfect Love
A Glimpse of Truth
"Neither do I condemn thee"
In the Express recently the question was asked, "Was the...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
May we have space to correct some misapprehensions...
August Fritsche, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
The statement that Christian Science is neither "Christianity nor science,"...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
Will you kindly grant me sufficient space in your valuable...
Arthur J. Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
May we briefly refer to a letter in your recent issue written...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
In a recent issue of your paper giving a report headed "Anniversary...
Miss V. M. Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
A press dispatch from Cincinnati, Ohio, published in a recent...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
God's Gifts
Albert F. Gilmore
Awakening to the Facts of Existence
Duncan Sinclair
Servant and Service
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Dorothy Agnes Crosthwaite, William M. Sellman, George H. Wilkins, Thomas Norton McClelland, Harriett Barnham Wood, Conrad George Gilster
Christian Science healing came into my life after many...
Adolia M. Gorsuch
It is in deeds I wish to serve, for words will not express my...
Myrta Gouverneur Brown
When I was a small child a loved one in my family was...
Jessie C. Knight
I have been a student of Christian Science for the past...
Lena F. Kirkpatrick
About five years ago I felt the need of class instruction...
Lina Rosenstein
With gratitude I send this testimony
Mildred Fitzmorris
I deem it a privilege to be permitted to testify to some...
Levi H. Hubbard
I wish to express my deep gratitude for Christian Science
Bessie E. Thurston
My first healing in Christian Science was that of my...
Hattie M. Borchers
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Coolidge, George L. Collins