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In a recent issue of the Citizen, under no title and with no...
In a recent issue of the Citizen, under no title and with no name signed, appears a list of what apparently purports to be quotations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, arranged in apposition to quotations from the Bible. It is a curious thing that no reference in either book is given; and, moreover, in many instances the supposed quotations are incorrect—partial statements, or half sentences, so isolated from their context that their correct meaning is lost, or quite a wrong concept brought forward. It is clear that whoever complied this list has not in the least degree grasped the teachings of Christian Science, and cannot therefore see their correlation with the Scriptures. He has not yet discovered the line of demarcation between the temporal and the eternal, or the material and the spiritual, although this distinction is clearly brought out throughout the Scriptures, being very definitely taught in the epistles of Paul, who shows that the "old man" must be put off and the "new man" put on; also, that now is the time for this transformation.
It would take too much space to answer fully every point brought forward, but I shall be glad if you will permit me to touch briefly on two or three. The first statement, "There is no matter," should read, "In Spirit there is no matter" (Science and Health, p. 278). Christ Jesus taught that God is Spirit, and since "God created the heaven and the earth" these must partake of His nature, and so be spiritual. In all its attributes so-called matter is opposite to Spirit, God. Hence it is easily seen that in accepting the statement of Holy Writ we can accept its correlative statement. The finite and mutable do not partake of the infinite and immutable.
Again, in speaking of man as incapable of sin, sickness, and death, it is the spiritual man of God's creating who is referred to, the immortal man revealed by Christ Jesus and referred to in Hebrews as "the express image of his person," and who must be coexistent with God—not a sinning, sick, dying mortal, who needs healing and redeeming. To part with the false concept of man and to accept the true is the great need of mankind and their one hope of salvation. Christian Science teaches that God is infinite Person,—not a finite person to be pleaded with, but the divine Principle, infinite good, to be understood,—and that the prayer of faity and understanding shall save the sick.
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May 15, 1926 issue
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"Why should the work cease?"
The Song of Angels
Universal Availability of Good
The Lord's Prayer
Our Advance Guard
Our Father-Mother God
"His compassions fail not"
Dr. Hunter of the University of Manitoba gave helpful...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for Alberta, Canada,
May we be permitted to express appreciation of the...
August Fritsche, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
In a recent issue of the Citizen, under no title and with no...
Miss V. M. Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
Please permit me to correct certain flagrant misrepresentations...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
To correct the erroneous impression of Christian Science...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
Christ Jesus
Christian Scientists and Prohibition'
Albert F. Gilmore
Constancy and Loyalty
Ella W. Hoag
"Thy lovingkindness, O God!"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Cecil S. Raper, W. S. Padget
It is my duty and privilege to express a little of my...
Elizabeth J. Baird
With light and love coming to me day by day through...
Gertrude O. Purnell
I am grateful for the small understanding I have of Christian Science
Florence T. Skinner
I can say with the Psalmist, "I called upon the Lord,...
Elizabeth A. Reynolds
When disappointed with religion, having reached the...
James Johnston
Christian Science has given me a reason for existence
Agnes Thornhill Burns
In 1920, when Christian Science found me, I was in a...
Gertrude Snook
I wish to express my gratitude for all the good I have...
Edmund C. Godwin Austen with contributions from Elizabeth A. Godwin Austen
For several years I have been depending on Christian Science...
Ida Augusta Williams
Signs of the Times
with contributions from William T. Manning