Apostle James stated a fact that is just as true to-day as it was in the first century, when he said, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
times in the trial of our faith and spiritual understanding there comes the temptation to judge our progress by those about us; and then thoughts of envy, jealousy, and sometimes hatred, may try to usurp the place of divine Love, and hide it from consciousness.
is not always easy to obey, And tread the path that opens for my feet; Another path would seem to be An easier, smoother climb for me, Enabling me my journey to complete More quickly; nor so long would seem the day.
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Science is based upon and accepts the Bible in its entirety, and through the spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures is demonstrating the law of God, as set forth therein, after the manner ordained by Christ Jesus, proving its teachings by the "fruits" of its works.
Salem A. Hart, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In a recent issue of your Journal you published excerpts from a letter of a medical official, containing some false charges relative to Christian Science and Christian Scientists.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Scientists deal with spiritual facts, and make practical use of these facts by being good, law-abiding citizens, friendly neighbors, and useful business-men.
little house set by the road,Not importuning, but with open door,Where tired pilgrims learn to drop their load,The while love laves their feet, as once of yore.
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
I shall never forget the first Sunday that I attended a Christian Science service, for just the Sunday before that I had been examined by a noted surgeon who had said I was suffering from a cancer of the bowels, and his advice was to go to the hospital for an operation.
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